
2003 Called, it wants it’s dress back.

IT. FITS.  My parents dropped my senior prom dress off a few weeks ago when emptying the last of my childhood room’s contents.   Much to my delight, when I tried it on it zipped…all. the. way. This might not seem like a big deal, but due to the other childhood content drop offs and photos I’ve rifled through and number of times I’ve found myself saying, “I can’t believe I thought I was fat then,” it was definitely exciting for me.  Back in February BC (before …


Are you scared?

Are you afraid? Do you think you aren’t strong enough? Are you afraid you won’t finish? Are you so sad that you are here and that you let yourself get here? These were all things that would go through my head. For two years I went to the gym on and off. (Hell, let’s be honest, for the last 15 years) I would get dedicated for a little bit, eat okay, and then stop going. I always felt good when I finished. But if I …

30 Day Challenge

30 Day Challenge: Try Something New for 30 Days

Last month I did a 30 day food challenge and I’d like to continue pushing myself with another 30 day challenge. This time around I encourage you to do a 30 day challenge with me! You can do anything for 30 days! Let’s try something new together. Your challenge can be something small (and therefore more sustainable once the challenge is over) or a bigger item that’s been on your bucket list. For inspiration check out this TED Talk by former Google engineer Matt Cutts …