My house and yard are often littered with toys.
My car is full of spilled cereal and stray socks.
I wear the same clothes several days in a row to avoid adding to the laundry pile.
…But I am a good mom.
I sometimes forget…
to pay bills on time,
or that it’s picture day,
or that it’s our turn to bring a healthy snack for the class.
…But I am a good mom.
I am a mess.
A hot mess mom of four.
I have learned not to be too hard on myself
because you love me for me.
…BECAUSE I am a good mom.
I don’t know how to cook or sew,
and I yell more than I should.
When you are excited to tell me something,
I know my default response is ‘gimmee a second’ so I can finish what I am doing.
Somehow though, you are still excited to see me every day…
even though most days, I can barely keep it together.
…And I can’t thank you enough
for your unconditional love,
for your reassuring hugs,
for making sure I know that even though I am a mess…
…I am a good mom.
#Allowed to be Both