Do you ever have that moment when you can completely shut down your brain and relax? I envy you if you do! I bet most people reading feel the same. We have so many triggers in life! This year I plan to train my monkey brain to settle and focus and also be more mindful of what I’m doing throughout my days. So we are a week into 2019 and my Train the Monkey Brain Plan is … Yep – that is exactly where I …
Freight Train’s don’t stop me!
Got stopped by an unexpected freight train today! Exactly when I didn’t have time for it! Based on the way this week has started, I should have expected it. I feel like I’ve been throw blockers every since I woke up Monday morning. (Yes it’s only Tuesday.) So I found a way to cope. I was right next to a Taco Restaurant. I solved all the worlds problems with chips and salsa. Life it good again 🙂 Well not good quite yet, but at least …
Be True to Yourself
The last few weeks I have found myself in situations where I did not agree with the situation I was in. I felt uncomfortable about how I was being talked to and knew I could not stay quiet. In those situation it is tough for me to speak my mind and I know I’m not the only one out there feeling that way. I’m proud to say that in both situation I found a way to dig deep, speak my mind respectively, and walk away …
Official Start of Fall
Labor Day signifies the official end of summer! It was a great summer of seeing old friends, meeting new friends, weeks of time with my family. I made memories at the the Gulf of Mexico and the Pacific Ocean, tried new things like paddle boarding and kayaking with my girls. As I reflected it was an amazing summer. I can not wait for the adventures the fall will bring! It’s time for Fall leaves, Fall weather, Football (and football food!), cozy blankets and sweatshirts. First …
Use the baby weights
Yesterday I was hitting my limits – in a lot of ways – work load, emotions, and the actual weight at the gym. I was maxed out. I had nothing left in the tank when I left the office and felt really down in the dumps. I got myself to the gym and the first part of the workout was squats. I love squats. I’m good at squats. They make me feel strong and powerful. Last night’s workout called to hit 105% of your max …
Pizza or Gym?
Tonight I made the right choice. Pizza came with friendly faces, laughs, and common working mom companionship. These working moms and I just get each other and that is what I needed today. I knew I needed to redirect some energy. I could have worked it off in the gym and that was the original plan. But I found two friends at the end of a long work week (is it really only Tuesday???) and I knew I needed that companionship more. It is amazing …
Calendars – Calendars – Calendars
I have calendars for work and calendars for home. Calendars for kids schedules, and school schedules, and sports schedules, and even the dogs schedule. Some days I feel like to am playing Tetris with all the calendars on my screen. Trying to shuffle the day around to make sure I can make it from one set plan to the next event. I know I’m not the only one and I also know as the kids get bigger it will get more intense. I’m ready! I’m …
Resilience is what keeps me going every morning. I’ve been knocked down. Sometimes it’s something small, sometimes it’s a huge slap in the face, but every single time I use that energy and redirect it to something that can help me move forward. I’ve had college professors tell me to move on to something else because it wasn’t a good fit. Challenge accepted! Graduated with that Computer Science degree and had a job lined up when I walked across the stage. I’ve had people tell …
Grocery Shopping Trick!
It’s ok to ask for help. Even if you pay for it! 🙂 I brought my mom trick on vacation with me. My grocery shopping service traveled with me! Shipt makes my hectic life so much easier! Just pop open the app, click the groceries I need and poof a few hours later they are at my door. On Vacation – Sit on the balcony, drink my coffee, listen to the water while I order the snacks for the beach. It’s Amazing! And then grocery …
Its time for fireworks and BBQs and treats! Be with your friends. Be with your family. Go to the BBQ. Eat the burger. Let the kids eat that sticky popsicle. It’s ok to be a mess. They can take a bath. Unplug from work and let yourself relax with those around you. Sit and laugh. Watch the smiles on your kids faces as the colors light up the sky. Embrace the cheesy music that runs with the fireworks show. And watch the sky light up …