Have you ever watched the tv show, Grey’s Anatomy? Maybe you watched it as it unfolds in real time on television, but if you found it on Netflix like I did, it is absolutely amazing to see Meredith Grey’s (the main character) transformation. I know this is completely fictitious, but wow do I wish that for EVERY human being. To be able to binge over the course of a weekend their life from their early twenties to now to see their growth. I feel like …
Looking Back…
I constantly obsess over what my kids will remember and what they think of me when they enter adulthood, and not like 18 year old officially an adult-adult, like when they are a 35 year old adult and re-examining their life to solve some internal question OR even worse when they are parenting themselves and comparing what they are doing to how I handled situations. Are they going to be saying, “I hope I am the parent my mom was!” or are they making a …
So This Is 40
So, I’m standing in the checkout line at Jewel and the cashier, the bagger in my lane and the bagger in the lane next to mine are ranking cereals. There conversation goes something like this: High school Cashier Girl: Captain crunch should be illegal, it literally tears your mouth to pieces High School Bagger Boy 1: Agreed but who is even talking about geriatric captain crunch, it’s all about cinnamon toast crunch, that cereal slaps High school Bagger Boy 2: Okay brah I think we …
Liar Liar, Pants On Fire
One thing I have always been SO impressed with my son and his ability to tell the truth no matter what. He will tell the truth to a fault. Brooke on the other hand will lie about everything. She will lie about stuff that will make no sense like it’s not even something that she did wrong. Although of course, wrongdoing is a huge opportunity for her to lie. We were both in the kitchen talking, I am sitting at the table working, and she …
Crazy Lesson!
Okay, storytime. I was in the car the other morning on my way to see my mom. It wasn’t a specific appointment I had to be at, but I did say I would be there by 9, and it was already 9:03. So, I am on the highway, annoyed with myself for being late, and getting even more annoyed with the slow-moving semi-truck in front of me. I am running late because I was working. I was supposed to be taking time off. Still, I …
People Pleaser + Parent = Failure
So, how I really wanted to title this blog is people pleaser + parent = pussy, because who doesn’t love a good alliteration, and that is 100% accurate. I have been a total pussy as a parent to my kids as they are entering their young teen years. To my core, the very essence of my being is to make others around me happy. I can’t explain to you the feeling I get when I know someone is genuinely disappointed or angry with me. Actually, …
A Tale of Two Siblings
Fairness is the word of the day. I have two kids that could not be more different. Taking the gender difference out of it: their personalities, interests, and even their food preferences are exact opposites. The older they are getting, the more my daughter is pointing out how I treat them differently. Brooke is so social, and Ricky is, well, not. He is a homebody and doesn’t care to call a friend, or set up some sort of hang-out. I often feel so proud of …
Serious Protagonist Envy
I realize through the different movies, Netflix series, and books I have been reading, I have some severe female protagonist envy. This feeling has really put “penis envy” into perspective for me, and I feel like I understand now, guys, where that comes from. You can feel like you need to draw your power from your appendage; I get it! If you are slightly lacking in that department, it makes you feel insecure. You step up to a urinal, you think you are slightly below …
Getting Schooled
Right now, I am not my kids’ favorite person, and I am completely fine with that! I realized how little my kids grasp basic school concepts! We started this week celebrating a major win from Ricky; he received the Presidential Academic Achievement Award. Woohoo! We called grandparents and aunts and uncles to show off the stamped signature of President Trump at the bottom of the certificate and the pin that came with it. Ricky himself couldn’t believe it, and his first thought was, “Really? But …
Hello Darkness My Old Friend
Ugh, so emo, so dramatic, so completely not the way I like to think of myself, but I am going to be brutally honest with you, I’m depressed. Why? The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, I have about 6 rosebuds outside my front door ready to bloom in a couple days, which I absolutely love, and yet I am truly, utterly, deeply in the dumps. Yuck! Sure, part of it is the same as you, Some Good News by John Krasinski has officially …