Wring Out Your Sponge

Let Your Glitter Shine Through!

An excerpt from: Wring out your sponge. There is a metaphor for life. It’s often been said that we are sponges to the things that are around us in our daily life and the people that are closest to us. You absorb what’s around you. You’re a sponge. But you also have choices! You can wring some of it out so you don’t absorb it! What do you do with the days that are more like spilled milk than glitter? Wring them out! Treat the …


No Cuts, No Buts, No Coconuts.

One of the most important things I will teach my children, is how to apologize the correct way. Many moons ago I read an article about the rules of apologies and it has paid off tremendously in my personal life, my professional life, and my parenting life. Following are my do’s and don’ts from the article and lessons I’ve learned along the way. The Anatomy of an Apology: A Four Part Recipe for Success Start with the obvious, the “apology” words. Use whatever is most …



Trajectory (noun) : The path followed by a projectile flying or an object moving under the action of given forces. Every now and again my mortality strikes me.  Not in a morbid way, but in the kind of way that forces you to reflect.  On the day, week, year, life. In those moments, I am completely overcome with emotion and gratitude.  It happened last week as I held T in my parent’s kitchen. We were celebrating Christmas, the house bustling after presents were open and …


Wedded Bliss

Mark and I celebrated our 20th anniversary on September 12, 2018.   It’s amazes me to think that we’ve been together for over thirty years; dated for ten and married for twenty.  I can’t remember life without him by my side (I can vividly remember life without kids though). Time flies. I’ve been reflecting on my first and true love and all that we have been through together.   When standing at the altar 20 years ago, if we knew what the next twenty years would hold, …