Can you remember the moments when the tiniest moment or activity triggered an emotion buried so deeply in your that you thought it was hidden forever? When this happens to me, It’s ALWAYS unexpected. Sometimes it makes me cry, sometimes it makes me smile. I always wonder if the people around me understand what my heart is feeling at that moment. The truth is they don’t know my story. They don’t understand why that moment I’m short with my words or distracted. They …
Just Keep Swimming
Don’t Drive on the Elbow
This weekend, we were driving down the expressway, just a normal Sunday. The girls were in the back seat being silly, and I listened to them chatter away as I drove. Car time is just amazing mom time for me sometimes. I learn so much about their classes, their friends, their teachers;I hope that as they get older this is always our chance to connect because I’m learning very quickly from the other moms out there that I have a LOT of car driving in …
Embrace Your Imperfections
Who am I?
The question that seems so simple but has layers and layers of defining moments. And not just the moments, but the people. The people surrounding us mold us to the person we are today and I am so proud of that person today. I am a mom, a sister, a daughter, a really good friend and so proud of each of these areas of my life. I am so lucky to have my community, my family, my friends, my neighbors, my co-workers. My girls …