I’m in the home stretch! I’m actually going to make it. Three weeks down and I feel great.
Week 3 overall insights:
1. My friend Brandy shared this timeline of how you feel during the Whole30 and let me tell you – it is spot on! I was so happy when I read this because it validated everything I was feeling and motivated me to keep going. Right now I’m in Tiger Blood (feeling good, seeing improvements) with a little bit of I’m so Over This, but that feeling is fleeting. I had that feeling at Costco today when I couldn’t find anything I wanted to eat. All the compliant food was boring – I’m tired of eggs! But I got through it (with 48 eggs in my cart) and left feeling happy again.
2. Overall, I generally feel happier. I wake up easier and more alert in the mornings. I had one weird thing happen last week – I was sitting in a training class and I had this sudden urge to run. I just wanted to get out of my seat and run outside, around my building. I couldn’t just get up and do that (without looking like a total weirdo) so instead I bounced my leg up and down on the chair I was sitting in and the feeling passed. This weird burst of energy and desire to run surprised me.
3. I was nervous to start this and write about it publicly, but the support it’s generated has been amazing! People, especially those who have done the Whole30, ask me how I feel and encourage me to continue.
4. My favorite new discovery this week was frozen spiralized carrots from Trader Joe’s. Super convenient and delicious pasta replacement, just cook in a pan for about 4 minutes and they’re good to go! See Day 7 for how I used them in this week’s meals.
Week 3 results:
How I feel overall – pretty darn good. Weight loss from the week = -1.8 pds.
What I ate during week 3:
Day 1 Monday
- BREAKFAST: Smoothie
- AM SNACK: No snack.
- LUNCH: Lentil soup, carrots with hummus.
- PM SNACK: Roasted chickpeas.
- DINNER: Miso soup, apple sauce.
Day 2 Tuesday
- BREAKFAST: Broiled tomatoes, scrambled eggs.
- AM SNACK: Apple.
- LUNCH: Sweet potato with hummus, sliced almonds, applesauce.
- PM SNACK: Banana
- DINNER: Lentil bolognese, served over cauliflower rice. This recipe is from my favorite plant-based diet source, Forks over Knives.
Day 3 Wednesday
- BREAKFAST: Smoothie.
- AM SNACK: Almonds.
- LUNCH: Leftover lentil bolognese.
- PM SNACK: Banana.
- DINNER: Chipotle with my sons. Had a bowl with pinto beans, veggies, salsa, guac. No lettuce because of the national romaine recall – so frustrating that we can’t trust our food providers!
Day 4 Thursday
- BREAKFAST: Smoothie
- AM SNACK: Almonds
- LUNCH: Work lunch club! We went to a new (to me) farm to table restaurant where I had delicious, compliant, soup and chopped salad. If you’re in the Chicago western suburbs check out Nature’s Best Cafe.
- PM SNACK: Banana
- DINNER: Second half of my giant salad from lunch, “casserole” of beans and leftover roasted sweet potatoes and roasted broccoli.
Day 5 Friday
- BREAKFAST: Smoothie.
- AM SNACK: Almonds.
- LUNCH: Scrambled eggs with salsa, avocado, “fried” apples.
- PM SNACK: Banana
Day 6 Saturday
- BREAKFAST: Smoothie. Had an early start to the day for our annual InspireU marketing competition at work, so no time for a leisurely breakfast.
- AM SNACK: Almonds.
- LUNCH: Black bean soup, salad, apple.
- PM SNACK: Apple Pie Larabar. Yes, some Larabars are Whole30 compliant! See this list of compliant and non-compliant flavors.
- DINNER: Leftover cilantro “rice” and beans, avocado, fresh salsa. Raisins.
Day 7 Sunday
- BREAKFAST: Smoothie.
- AM SNACK: Clementine and an apple.
- LUNCH: One of my favorite appetizers to bring to a party consists of three ingredients: jar bruschetta mix from Trader Joe’s, steamed lentils (also available at TJs), and crumbed feta. Serve with crackers. I’m always asked for the recipe when I bring this someplace. ANYWAY, the lentils and bruschetta mix are compliant. So I mixed these together and put them on top of spiralized carrot “pasta.” You can make your own, or Trader Joe’s has it available in the freezer section! This made a delicious lunch that I was able to throw together in a few minutes.
- PM SNACK: Almonds.
- DINNER: Scrambled eggs with fresh salsa, roasted sweet potatoes, steamed brussel sprouts, salad.