
Hey Dads, Don’t Forget To Write

As I write this blog post there are 3,348 pictures on my phone – all taken in 2018. The vast majority of the pics are of my kids, my wife, my pets, and if I must be honest, the occasional selfie. Heck, in just the ten days since our fourth child was born, I alone have taken over 200 pictures of him in various states of adorableness. Add in the pics my wife and our extended families have taken of him and the total has …


Hey Dads, Don’t Forget To Write

As I write this blog post there are 3,348 pictures on my phone – all taken in 2018. The vast majority of the pics are of my kids, my wife, my pets, and if I must be honest, the occasional selfie. Heck, in just the ten days since our fourth child was born, I alone have taken over 200 pictures of him in various states of adorableness. Add in the pics my wife and our extended families have taken of him and the total has …



I don’t know if I’d call myself a morning person, but my son, Milo, doesn’t seem to care how I classify myself; so long as I’m ready to party right around 6:15 am, maybe 6:30 am, every day, that’s good enough for him. Milo just turned 2 this week (June 12th, which is the day before my wedding anniversary), and for the last year-plus it’s been this way: mornings are our time together. As soon as I hear him start whimpering or crying on the …


Staying Epic in the Hustle

Everyday I try to ask myself, “I wonder how I can accomplish this today?” It’s a small question that I apply to a variety of things. But if anything it continually makes me analyze and plan on the next adventure (or in some cases, problem) no matter how big or small it maybe. Being a developer, I am always trying to find ways to solve problems on a day to day basis. Which has allowed me to take those principles and apply them to other …


A Little Perspective

Written By Brian Lamb, our guest Dad for the take over of “Hustle Mom, Hustle” in honor of Father’s Day! “You know what I am craving? A little perspective”. A quote from Anton Ego in Ratatouille the movie. One of our family all time favorites! defines perspective: The capacity to view things in their true relations or relative importance. Wait, What?? Is it true relations or relative importance? Education, experience, intelligence are all things that give many of us the confidence to form THE …


Lawn Care Dad

“Your line isn’t straight you better mow it again!” was a common thing I heard from my Dad growing up. You see, we were the house right on the corner that had to have the perfect lawn. You know the kind, straight edges all the way down the sidewalk, dark, thick green diagonal lines. The lawn that the other neighbors always aspired to have. Growing up with my Dad, the grass was always greener. Mainly because we worked to keep it that way. I found …


My Two Loves, His First Love

I would like to introduce everyone to my wife Sabrina and our baby love, Austin Lee Colsant. My two loves! My experience as a Dad has been limited of course, but I can say that I have learned so much in the past 10 months. It has forever changed my life in so many amazing ways as I am sure most folks reading this know all too well what I am referring to. Austin has gone through some tough times already as a 1, 2 …

Mikey and Abbie

The Hardest Goodbye

Tomorrow is June 8 and it will not be an easy day for our family. For the last 5 years our family Google Calendar has said “Abbie’s Happy Birthday” on this day. It still says “Abbie’s Happy Birthday” because I don’t have the heart to delete it. Sadly though, we don’t have a 6th birthday to celebrate tomorrow. Instead, we’ll be reflecting back on the short life of our little beagle dog, Abbie Dorothy Helgesen. We rescued Abbie in the fall of 2012 after experiencing …


Change The Ending

This quote from CS Lewis stirs up deep emotions for me. I know I’m not the only one out there who needs a reminder at times that it’s ok to move forward. Accept the past and keep writing your story. As a parent we not only get to write our next chapter, we are also writing the chapter with our kids. They watch how we handle each joyful moment and each set back. I want to show my kids to accept the highs and lows. …


My Favorite Baseball Player

When my son was younger he used to say a lot “when I’m a baseball player.” “When I’m a baseball player I’m going to buy a big house and you’ll come live with me.” “When I’m a baseball player I’m going to have 10 dogs.” When I’m a baseball player we’re going to Hawaii.” He’s been a “baseball player” since he was four; what he didn’t (and still doesn’t) understand is that he’ll always be my favorite baseball player. I’ve never had any illusions about …