I was fortunate to be able to hear Mel Robbins give a presentation at an event my company hosts, Refuel. She was a little power house! Little, because she is petite, but man she owns that stage and looks like she is 6 feet tall up there!
Because of the event, I started subscribing to her newsletter. Half of the time, well maybe more than half of the time, I end up deleting the email because I have a million emails to sort through on a daily basis (no, I am not being over dramatic, the number above my envelope icon on my iPhone would give you anxiety shivers worse than Momo). For some reason yesterday I opened and perused her message. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not ignoring her because her messages are bad, quite the opposite. They are encouraging and engaging and most of the time it’s a bit of tough love to get you to take on the thing you are procrastinating taking on.
Yesterday though, she ended her message like this:
AND, last but definitely not least, Colleen: If nobody today has told you today that they love you, let me be the first. I love you and appreciate you and I’m so happy you’re here with me. |
I was at my desk in my office, and before I could even help myself I was thinking, “You do?” “You love me?” Sniff, sniff, “well I am so happy to be here with you too Mel.” Oh shit, the one day I wear makeup to the office! (Mel, if you read this, I think we just became best friends)
Don’t get me wrong, I swear I am not starved for attention and I hear “I love you” throughout the day from my husband and kids, but if I think about the day to day, to be honest, they are often habitual “I love you’s” and sometimes just “love ya”.
We need to hear those words with meaning more often. So, today, I want to echo Mel and say, if you took the time to read my blog, and whether you loved it or hated it, you truly made my day! I appreciate you so much because to anyone who has told me they read what I wrote and laughed with me I feel like I made a friend or a connection, and really isn’t that what can be missing when we just say things so fast without really putting feeling behind them.
Today, tell someone “I love you”. Tell them to their face, or even if you can’t see them and it has be with text, tell them why you love them. Believe me it will go a long way, and even if you are not in front of them, you may have just made them ugly cry with happiness.