Where do I begin, simply with this blog and more complicated with my career. Pause.
Let me catch you up. My position at Dealer Inspire was eliminated. This did not catch me off guard but nonetheless a slight punch to my ego. Long story short, Dealer Inspire was an extremely successful start-up thanks to a one of a kind dynamic leader and a diverse bunch of super intelligent hard working individuals that positioned us to be acquired by Cars.com. Fast forward eighteen months, both Human Resources departments integrated which lead to my position as Director of Recruitment to be eliminated. D.I.’s executive team, including the CEO, was extremely attentive, however, after lots of reflection it was time for me to move on. The last four years has been absolutely invigorating but intense as we’ve grown from 150 to 650 employees. I’ve spoken to thousands of applicants and hired 500 people! So many great conversations! How’s my Mom doing? Good, I think. I’m not totally sure because I’ve been too busy working. So it’s time … to pause, reflect and reset.

So what am I going to do? Who knows?! No seriously, I have a few paths that I’ll begin exploring this month. Time is going really fast and I want to spend my time wisely. The homily at mass today focused on how we live our lives. The exact words, our gift from God is ourselves, and our gift to God is what we do with our lives. What is my gift to God?
I’ve deliberately changed my nervousness to excitement. I’m going to take the next few weeks to reset by mind, body and spirit. I’m going to visit with my Mom, pray, run, do pilates, cook, volunteer, check out colleges with Maddi, network, make a few lists, finally match those odd socks and really think about this next decade. I’m going to own my own time, be intentional, surround myself with people that value me and add value to people that I’m around. I’ll be blogging more about my personal discovery and share all of the undiscovered opportunities here in Chicago. The next few weeks will be about the pause and not the hustle. Que, the pause music.