She was powerful,
not because
she wasn’t scared
but because
she went on
so strongly,
despite the fear.
This beautiful featured image can be purchased from Etsy.
The Ups, The Downs, and Everything in Between
She was powerful,
not because
she wasn’t scared
but because
she went on
so strongly,
despite the fear.
This beautiful featured image can be purchased from Etsy.
Katie Helgesen is the Senior Director of Business Intelligence at Dealer Inspire, a fast-growing and award winning technology company near Chicago. Katie and her husband, Todd, have 4 awesome kids and love living in a small community centered on a lake in northwest Indiana. Baseball, t-ball, and soccer schedules are just a few pieces of Katie’s Mom Hustle. Her daydreams revolve around finding more “me time” and traveling. In real life, Katie keeps herself sane with naps, Netflix and eating out as often as she can.