If you’ve been around you’ve seen it. If you are a parent you live it. The inexplicable and contagious sway as you stand, talk and hold your little. For some it isn’t instantaneous, not starting the moment the baby lands in arms. It is and takes some adjustment. Sometimes too fast and others too slow, but it’s always there.
Our bodies become pendulums, to lull and comfort. Our arms ache as five minutes become 10 and 10 turns into an hour or more. Sometimes pleading for sleep or stillness, other times hoping for more time. It is the sway, simply parenthood in motion.
From sleepless nights to sleeping in.
Crying fits to snuggling deep.
Throwing toys to sharing snacks.
Wanting distance but holding close.
As littles get heavier, we get stronger. Our bodies creaky but holding steady we continue to sway.