Well, It’s something I have fought for years. I had a similar experience when I found out that I wasn’t a happy pregnant woman. I always pictured myself so happy and blissful and that just wasn’t my reality. I was so sick and in so much pain most of my pregnancy that I never got that blissful glow. I was thrilled with the end result. I absolutely love being a mom, but the pregnancies, were not fun! I was so sick and miserable. And that’s just not how I pictured it all going down.
Well, same is true with yoga! I really wanted to be a yoga person. I really wanted to enjoy those long breaths and exhales. Zen… Namaste… Conquer your mind…Feed your soul! But guess what, I am here to confess, I am just not zen enough for yoga! It fits in my mind as something I would enjoy and be really good at, similar to pregnancy, but in the end, I have to admit, I am horrible at it and it makes me miserable!
And all of this makes me fast forward to my newest realization, I love a really TOUGH workout! And guess what I just found….CROSSFIT!!!! Oh my goodness, how did I not find this sooner? I love how hard it is. I know that may sound crazy, but I just love it! I love feeling like I am conquering my fears, my mind, my body, and my weight-loss all in one hour! The toughest hour I could have imagined. And believe me when I tell you that I am sore all over. It works every muscle in my body and I am sore until I go back 2 days later!
I am doing a 6 week challenge and I am so excited. After just 2 weeks not only do I feel stronger, I AM STRONGER! The first week I couldn’t finish the workouts. And then the second week, I was finishing them! Just 6 workouts into my new program and I am definitely stronger and getting more fit by the day.
This is my new home away from home! Come try it out! If you’ve never done it, maybe it’s just the thing you need to do to jump out of your comfort zone!
South Naperville Strength, Home of Crossfit Resurgence
It feels great to know that I am improving my health and fitness every single day! Try something new that scares you to death! You might be surprised at the spirit it ignites!